Importance of Decision Making Process in Web Development

“We are not defined by what happens to us, we are defined by our choices and our decisions”

Whether we want it or not, every choice that we make impacts the outcome of our life. Sometimes, we deny making decisions as we are afraid of "what could have happened" rather than "what did happen".

We all make choices but the process varies from person to person; some rely on practicality, some count on logical reasoning, some decides on the basis of sentiments and some chooses to let things happen on their own. In web development domain, bad decisions can lead to serious financial penalties.

Overview of decision making models in web development:

The most thought-provoking parts to assess are the models themselves, all intended to provide you a sensible and intuitive framework to get a more structured and settled decision.

  1. SHEL

The SHEL (stands for Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware) model makes you remind that your selection of target hardware (smartphone or PC) will pose impact on other parts of your solution too, such as the consumer’s environment, end user’s capabilities and experience.

It’s a brainstorming tool, which is used to assess the interactions in different situations. It strengthens the idea that the end user (Liveware) should be emphasized in the planning process. This model is typically plotted out as a cross, in which Liveware is placed in the middle. Going clockwise, the upper arm of the model let decision-makers to consider Software (browsers, operating systems, JavaScript, Flash), the right portion/ arm of the model emphasizes on secondary type of Liveware (social media, support), the bottom of the model objects to capture Environment (the location of the users and the settings in which they use the end product), and lastly the left arm of the model signifies Hardware (mobile device, monitor, PC/MAC).

  1. DODAR

DODAR (stands for Diagnose, Options, Decide, Assign, Review) covers the 5 key areas of the decision making process in a circular flow.

  • Diagnose Stage: Finding out the problem and its causes by making use of all the available resources.
  • Options: Looking at the choices available to you.
  • Decide: Choosing the course of action.
  • Assign: Allotting suitable tasks to proficient people.
  • Review: Ensuring that you are attaining the results as per your expectations.


  1. NITS Brief

NITS (stands for Nature, Intentions, Time and Specials) Brief is a quick communication framework. It is used when a task needs to be communicated to clients or colleagues.

  • Nature: Type of the problem or task.
  • Intentions: Actions that should be taken to solve it.
  • Time: Length of time needed to carry out necessary actions.
  • Specials: Anything unusual or unexpected.


  1. Swiss Cheese Model

This model is extensively used to identify both latent and active errors of a system

On the consideration of the above discussed models, you can make a correct and well informed decision in future for web development project.